Nature Crafts

Bird Feeder Ornament

Supplies Needed:

  • 4 cups birdseed
  • ¾ cup flour
  • 1 pouch of unflavored gelatin
  • 3 tablespoons of corn syrup
  • ½ cup water
  • Cookie cutters (several ones)
  • Cookie sheet
  • Parchment paper
  • Cooking spray
  • Wooden spoon
  • Scissors
  • 2 straws
  • String


  1. Mix together flour, water, corn syrup and gelatin. It will form a smooth paste.
  2. Slowly stir in the birdseed.
  3. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper.
  4. Spray cookie cutters with cooking spray.
  5. Place cookie cutters on parchment lined cookie sheet.
  6. Spoon birdseed mix into the cookie cutter. Keep mixture as tight as possible.
  7. Cut straws into 3 inch segments.
  8. Place straws a ½ - ¾ inch down from the top of the cookie cutter.
  9. Leave straw in ornament and allow to dry for 3-4 hours.
  10. Remove the straw and cookie cutters.
  11. Allow to harden overnight.
  12. Run string through the hole at the top of the bird seed ornament.
  13. Hang on a tree.
  14. Watch birds enjoy!

Bird Finders

Supplies Needed:

  • Two toilet paper rolls
  • Yarn
  • Colored washi tape
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Masking tape
  • Hole punch


  1. Roll toilet paper rolls with yarn.
  2. Attach yarn to toilet paper roll with washi tape.
  3. Once the rolls are covered in yarn, put a vertical line of glue on one of the toilet paper rolls to adhere it to the other roll.
  4. Run masking tape on the inside of one roll up and over and down the inside of the other roll.
  5. Punch one hole on the outside of the right roll toward the back, leaving ½ - ¾ inch from the edge.
  6. Punch one hole on the outside of the left roll toward the back, leaving ½ - ¾ inch from the edge.
  7. Tie a long piece of yard through the holes. You’ll want the yarn big enough so the binoculars can hang on their neck when not in use.
  8. Find birds. Do they see any eating their bird seed ornaments?!

Rain & Cloud in a Jar

Supplies Needed:

  • Glass jar
  • Water
  • Shaving cream (foam)
  • Blue food coloring


  1. Fill jar almost to the top with water.
  2. Cover the top of the water with shaving cream.
  3. Drop a few drops of food coloring in the cloud.
  4. Enjoy your indoor shower!

Container Fishing

Supplies Needed:

  • Kiddie pool/plastic tub
  • Water
  • Net
  • Foam fish


  1. Fill pool/tub with a few inches of water.
  2. Put foam fish in pool/tub.
  3. Give the net to the kids and have them fish!